"Oltre il sipario" photography exhibition Nino Migliori
From May 27 (until August 31), at the Archiginnasio and from June 15 (until September 21) at the Teatro Comunale, the exhibition “Oltre il sipario” will open in Bologna. This exhibition will host the new photographic production by the master Nino Migliori, a great interpreter of contemporary photography and a pioneer of the intuition, consideration and application of new photography practices.

From May 27 (until August 31), at the Archiginnasio and from June 15 (until September 21) at the Teatro Comunale, the exhibition “Oltre il sipario” will open in Bologna. This show will host the new photographic production by the master Nino Migliori, a great interpreter of contemporary photography and a pioneer of the intuition, consideration and application of new photography practices.
The exhibition, curated by Denis Curti, comes from an idea of Applied in collaboration with the Teatro Comunale di Bologna and the Nino Migliori Foundation and it is the first of a series of projects with which the entrepreneurs of the company placed in Bologna intend to return to the territory in which they operate part of what was received. In this way Applied wants to contribute to raise awareness of the stories of the places that are part of the collective memory.
The projects aims to be a tribute to the Teatro Comunale di Bologna, a place that Nino Migliori fully explored for three consecutive months during the spring-summer of 2019 to stage his very own story that can return the atmospheres and magic that live in this place: moments of a daily theatrical life.
The photographic journey about the Teatro Comunale di Bologna consist of a concatenation of personal, historical, real and fantastic stories that reveal a deep artistic soul and vision, particularly sensitive to the vicissitudes of life: an abundance generated by the stratification of memories preserved in almost a century of existence. The exhibition is related to the homonymous photographic book edited by Denis Curti (Postcart Edizioni srl, 2020, 24x30cm - 152 pages, 193 photos b&w duotone, 8 colour photos).
This project is the official debut of our work – points out Applied – and the chosen place is the city of Bologna, beating heart of a territory characterized by that excellence that generated the birth of our company. A Theatre chosen as the perfect place to represent the themes of research, experimentation, technology and versatility.
It is a honour to have such a high level premiere because, with “Oltre il sipario”, the fluid thought of Applied finds a natural habitat in a context inspired by the emotions that only beauty can cause. Honoured with this privilege is one of the most appreciated Italian photographer: Nino Migliori. His evocative story is dedicated to the magic of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna.
Title: Oltre il sipario
Photos of: Nino Migliori
Curated by: Denis Curti
Promoted by: Applied in collaboration with Teatro Comunale and Fondazione Nino Migliori
Where: Archiginnasio, P.za Galvani 1, Bologna and Teatro Comunale, Largo Respighi 1, Bologna
Oltre il Sipario
May 27 – August 31, 2021 Archiginnasio / June 15 – September 21, 2021 Teatro Comunale
Opening time
Archiginnasio Monday – Friday 9.00AM – 7.00PM - Saturday 10.00AM - 18:00PM
Teatro Comunale Tuesday - Friday 12.00PM – 6.00PM, Saturday: 11.00AM – 3.00PM | Closed from 13/08 to 13/09
Free entrance
The event will take place compatibly with the national epidemiological situation and will take place in compliance with safety regulations.
For more info: marketing@applied.it
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